Wednesday 7 March 2012

This isn't just any pie blog...

This is a lubbly jubbly, knees up Mother Brown, cor blimey Guvnor kinda pie blog. For National Pie week, I celebrate the creme de menthe, the pie of all pies, the mighty Pie and Mash.

Had it? Enjoyed it? Never tried it? You haven't lived. I like a steak and kidney pud, a chicken, leek and mushroom pie, my fancy schmancy braised lamb and redcurrant creation as much as the next woman but for the Goodes', a pie craving can only really be fulfilled with a double helping of the good stuff. Here you go Reader, something to drool over

A 'Single'

Started off in the East End, as all good things tend to, as an economical, portable lunch brought from a cart, before the shops popped up. And thank god they did. Where would Lou and I be without our Saturday fix? It was my first solid meal as a baby, and I'm pleased to say that this tradition has been continued, and dare I say, improved upon. Aged nine, he's not content with just a single pie/single mash...devours a double helping, no sweat.

My childhood was filled with Saturday's at these marble-tabled palaces. A beef pie, 'hold the eels', a portion of mash, scraped onto the slide of the plate, liberally covered with liquor. Liquor as in a heavenly mix of eel stock and parsley.  The rush for the table before it got cold. The grabbing of the spoon and fork. Never a knife. We laughed at those with a knife. So unaware of the traditions...

Visits to the now-closed shop at Ridley Road Market with my beloved grandparents are a memory never to disappear. The Bond's did not dine out regularly; for them, nothing could beat a family meal at home; a portion of Ridley Road's finest almost lived up to their scrutiny.  It was dissected and discussed with a fervour not known to many, before or since. How's the pastry, Emma? Liquor ok? Mince minced adequately?

This was accompanied by a running commentary of one or another convos: "How pies used to be in the good old days" and "Our Friday night dinner". "So, we'd have the soup, then the chopped liver, then the chicken, then a pudding, then cakes if we were peckish". No wonder I am the way I am!

Tearing myself away from nostalgia, and back to 2012, am pleased to report the Pie and Mash shops are still going strong in the heartlands of Essex and the East End.  For a full list and ratings, visit and start planning those visits now. If you can't wait that long, get your order in at

Seems us easties just can't get enough of it. Lou and I jumped for joy at seeing the lovely Phil Thompson snazz it up for Great British Menu. He woz robbed. Loved seeing this blushing bride's wedding reception too and of course, not forgetting the Towie peeps' Pie and Mash pool party, god bless them.  Just take a butchers at those bad boys!
A 'Double'